The Watchdog Newsletter
29 July 2003

In order to get the Rural Lands Initiative on the March 2004 ballot the initiative committee must collect the signatures of 72,000 registered voters. Our volunteers have done a great job so far collecting signatures at stores and events and from friends, family and colleagues. We still have many signatures to get and a short period of time in which to do so. That is why we are asking for your support and help.

If you are willing to circulate a petitions, please call us (619-702-5470) and we will get them out to you that day. If you want to volunteer to collect signatures during the last few weeks of the campaign, please contact us, as we need a large surge at the end!

Finally, I wanted to thank you for making this petition drive possible. San Diego needs its citizens to take action and protect the back country from urban sprawl and to protect our water from the pollution and waste associated with that sprawl.


Duncan McFetridge
Chairman of the Clean Water and Forest Initiative Committee
P.O. Box 120351
San Diego, CA 92112-0351
Tel: 619-702-5470

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