The Watchdog Newsletter 21 August 1999 |
The following is an update on various projects being processed by the County: GPA 96-03 Portions of the EIR for GPA 96-03 will have to be recirculated due to additional information added to the document. The portions to be recirculated are traffic and noise. The document is due to go out to the public for comment on September 23, 1999. This important issue is tentatively planned to be heard before the Planning Commission on January 21, 2000. RAMONA RIDGE ESTATES Ramona Ridge Estates is a proposed project involving 215 acres and 18 lots. This subdivision takes place on Ag 20 - Agricultural Preserve - farmlands. The project site is at the northeast corner of Santa Teresa Valley, east of Ramona, and contains much of Whale Mountain. The topography is rolling oak-dotted grasslands that have been used for grazing. Whale Mountain contains a Golden Eagle nest site. The County claims that the project's application was complete before the judge's ruling of the moratorium on Ag 20 lands. SOFAR is going to challenge the County's vested rights doctrine. Public comments are due on the proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration on September 7, 1999. OAKS AT DESCANSO The host species for the Quino Checkerspot Butterfly has been found on the site of the Oaks at Descanso project. It has yet to be determined what additional biological studies will be needed. This proposed project would put 85 RV spaces, a caretaker's residence, a SFD residence, commercial store, meeting hall, a maintenance and storage facility, restroom, laundry facilities, tennis court, and exercise yard on a 62-acre oak-lined meadow, part of a deer corridor, at the entrance to the Cleveland National Forest in Descanso. The applicant has asked that the County not continue processing the project until the additional biological studies can be made. MAGGIO RANCH Maggio Ranch is a proposed project of 39 dwelling units on a 105-acre horse ranch in Descanso. Consultants are still working on response to public comments on the EIR. They had asked for, and were granted, a 30-day extension until August 24, 1999. By the way, the project site is being offered for sale. LIVE OAK RANCH Live Oak Ranch is a 327-acre project with 146 dwelling units in Valley Center. The project has already received a waiver of Policy I-78 - Small Wastewater Treatment Plant - from the Board of Supervisors. The Planning Commission has recommended approval of the Major Use Permit for the project. The issue will go before the Board on September 24, 1999. |
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